Returns & Exchanges Policy

If some or all of Blank orders become out of stock: We will alert you and ask you to replace with another item in stock – or if item is being reproduced you will get when comes back in stock. This can happen since we have both a physical store and online store that share Blanks. We try to update if something is out of stock as soon as possible.

If picking up: Please examine your Product, Quantity and Quality before leaving shop to help with any Returns and exchanges. If any items reported missing after pickup it will be void.

Products reported within 1 week of Pickup or Delivery will be ok for return or exchange if not worn(used) or washed(cleaned) in anyway. Once past the 1 week returns and exchanges are void.

If Blank Item is Damaged We will not charge for those damaged items or if charged we give store credit or money back for just those items. Some Damaged items must be shipped back for review.

If Custom Job is damaged We do not redo that item, we just do not charge for those items damages or if charged we give store credit or money back for just those items. Some Damaged items must be shipped back for review.

If you(the customer) are providing items to be customized we do not cover any damages. Some items may not print or embroider well and we cant be held responsible for products that are not ours.

Our Returns and Exchange Policies are subject to change but will honor our policy we have the same date order is placed. Proofs that are Emailed have additional policy at bottom, please read those policies before approving and also read before submitting a return or exchange.

In the end we want you as the customer to be happy but also need to protect the company and peoples jobs who work for Double Portion Supply. Feel free to contact us if any problems.

Thank you